Co-op Growing Leaders
October 2, 2023

Cornerstone Co-op Partners with 4-H Alberta and Federated Co-op to bring new program: Co-op Growing Leaders. 

In 2021/2022, we noticed a significant decline in 4-H memberships and the loss of several 4-H clubs within our trading area because of COVID.  In an effort to make a difference in our communities and to assist our local 4-H programming, we launched a new program last year known as the New Registration Program. This initiative allowed any NEW member going into the 4-H within the Cornerstone Co-op trading area to have their club, district and provincial registration fees fully sponsored. 

"As someone who was in 4-H for 11 years, I know personally how impactful 4-H is and can be to our youth and so we decided last fall to fully sponsor all the registration fees for any NEW member joining 4-H in 2022/2023 in a effort to assist 4-H clubs in growing their numbers. Little did we know at the time that this program would completely go viral on social media and result in proudly sponsoring a total of 73 new kids in our trading area – a value of $8,200!", explained Jordyn Prior, Marketing and Community Engagement Manager. 

This year, we are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with 4-H Alberta and Federated Co‑operatives Limited to bring you the new version of our Registration Program this year: Co-op Growing Leaders Program.

This is an exciting initiative that will fund any new 4-H Alberta member's registration fees (club, district, provincial) for the 2023-2024 year. This means we will have $50,000 to support new memberships throughout Alberta and any dollars that do not get utilized in the Fall will be used in the Spring for youth that wish to apply for extra funding towards camps, clinics, workshops etc. This application is open to anyone who has not previously been involved with 4-H Alberta.

How to apply:
1. Fill out the application form online here:
2. Email your name, phone number, what club you joined and the leader name to

Cornerstone Co-op's trading area is vast and supports the following communities and their surrounding areas: St. Paul, Elk Point, Dewberry, Vermilion, Mannville, Wainwright, Two Hills and Provost.